The masculine balanced discipline that has been diminished and seen its distorted form battered in criticism by men rooted in cynicism is the same discipline that can help heal humanity. The discipline and balance of being a husband. Strong male leadership is needed on a macro scale to micro and a micro scale to macro. The protector of the wife. The pillar of strength for the family to lean on. Steadfast. Unwavering. On a mission from Divinity. Setting the standard of honor for the sons. Setting the standard of expectations for the daughters. The eyes are always in him. So he must be at his best. One man learned without any guidance, what this true role means when all the “guides” around him were compromised by unbalanced and backwards ideas. He rose to strength truly on his own and spreads his story and Golden guidance that all men preparing for and engaging in the discipline must hear. The Blood & Rain Podcast Episode 23 The Restoration of the Honorable Husband @beinghusbandpod Enjoy.
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